
Danielle Corrie
After a while the cockatoo squawks in a quiet tone, before spreading its large majestic wings to fly away.

Danielle Corrie
As I touch the fruit many drop into my hand and, not long after, my bag is full.

David Wong
As the end of my lunch hour approaches, I know that I have barely scratched the surface, and tomorrow I will barely scratch it again.

Allie Nance
She stayed close and we continued to watch her for a while, enjoying this urban bird that we were seeing with entirely new eyes.

Dasni De Silva
I conclude my walk by the river, feeling refreshed in body and in mind, thankful for the lessons learnt in silence.

By John Martin
The first thing I notice is a gang of kookaburras sitting on the powerlines. I think to myself: are they going to have a laugh?